Rehabilitation Services

Monday – Friday 7:00 a.m. – 6:00 p.m. | 308-254-8088

Our dedicated rehabilitation therapists work closely with your other healthcare providers to give you the best care possible. We provide comprehensive evaluation, diagnosis, and treatment services to assist you in reaching your objectives and restoring your highest level of functionality. Our rehabilitative services span the entire continuum of care to yield a smooth transition and an optimal outcome. We invite you to give us the opportunity to serve you and guarantee you will receive high-quality care from our extraordinary team.

Occupational Therapy

Occupational Therapy (OT) helps patients develop the necessary skills to return to independent living following an injury, surgery, or illness with a focus on the upper extremities. Our certified occupational therapists help people of all ages from birth to geriatrics fully engage in their daily lives from play, work, and recreational activities to activities of daily living including dressing, grooming, bathing, and feeding. We also provide pediatric services for children with a wide variety of diagnoses or developmental delays as specified below.

Our team is committed to providing comprehensive, multi-disciplinary care to meet your needs in the most appropriate environment. These services are available during hospitalization as an inpatient or swing bed patient all the way through outpatient services. We also work with patients in the extended care environment and students in the school setting.

Common conditions treated include:

  • Activities of daily living re-training
  • Amputations
  • Arthritis
  • Feeding delays
  • Fine motor delays
  • Fractures
  • Joint and ligament conditions
  • Nerve compression
  • Repetitive motion injuries
  • Sensory processing disorders
  • Tendon injuries
  • Upper extremity strengthening
  • Work conditioning
  • Worksite evaluations
  • Visual perception

Occupational Therapy Provides The Following Services:

Splinting is the use of thermoplastic material to hold a person’s arm, hand, or finger in a specific position. This material softens in warm water for molding and hardens as it cools. Our occupational therapists are trained to design and create custom splints to address a wide spectrum of joint disorders. Along with custom splints, neoprene splints made from an elastic material are utilized for providing gentle joint support when restriction of motion is not necessary.

Workplace ergonomics focuses on designing workspaces, products, and systems to create the safest and most efficient environment possible. Ergonomics is crucial in preventing injuries, decreasing further injuries, and helping everyone work smarter rather than harder. Occupational therapists are instrumental in improving workplace ergonomics by providing the following:

  • Ergonomic Assessments
  • Personalized Recommendations
  • Employee Training and Education

Occupational therapists assist the elderly population in overcoming physical challenges and promoting independence in their daily activities. They provide instruction on self-care tasks, such as cooking, grooming, and dressing, and support seniors in adapting to physical and social changes following an injury or illness. Most importantly, occupational therapists help enhance flexibility, self-sufficiency, and overall well-being for elderly individuals.

Hand Therapy is a specialized form of Occupational Therapy that focuses on rehabilitation for injuries and chronic conditions affecting the hands, wrists, and upper limbs. These conditions can be the result of acute or chronic conditions. Hand Therapy helps patients return to their productive lifestyles and often starts with an initial evaluation. The evaluation will help the therapist learn your symptoms, your baseline function, and your desired goals. Afterward, they will create a plan with goals and a timeline to help you reach your desired level of function. Common injuries that may require Hand Therapy include the following:

  • Amputation
  • Arthrosis/Arthritis
  • Complex Regional Pain Syndrome (CRPS)
  • Fractures
  • Hyposensitivity or Hypersensitivity
  • Lacerations/Lesions (tears of the skin, nerves, tendons, muscles, or ligaments of the hand or wrist)
  • Overuse (injuries due to repetitive movement such as Carpal Tunnel Syndrome)
  • Sprains
  • Tendinopathy
  • Tendinitis
  • Wounds

Lymphedema Therapy provides an in-depth, thorough evaluation of the affected limb(s) with the goals of establishing complete decongestion through manual lymphatic drainage, lymphedema compression bandaging, exercise, skin and nail care, and instructions in self-care. Additionally, an emphasis is placed on patient education and long-term management to improve appearance, increase function, and prevent further progression of the swelling through the use of daily compression.

Lymphedema is an abnormal accumulation of protein-rich fluid which causes chronic inflammation and swelling of the affected area. It presents itself in both women and men, in upper and lower extremities, and can occur following surgeries, trauma, disease, or radiation therapy. Common subjective complaints include heaviness, stiffness, tightness, or fullness. Lymphedema may also be associated or combined with other diseases including obesity, massive localized lymphedematous lobules, lipo-lymphedema, chronic venous insufficiency, and post-surgical and post-traumatic edema.

LSVT BIG is an intensive, effective, one-on-one treatment designed to help individuals with Parkinson’s disease and other neurological conditions improve their walking, balance, daily living activities, and even job-related tasks. LSVT BIG operates on the principle of “recalibration,” aiming to retrain the brain in the perception and execution of movement.

The LSVT BIG program is a standardized treatment protocol that consists of exercises and movements that emphasize the AMPLITUDE of movement, in an effort to retrain the way you performs tasks. The recommended plan of care involves four consecutive days of sessions for four weeks to ensure optimal effectiveness. After sessions, patients are provided with instructions for at-home exercises and tasks to facilitate the application of BIG ideas practiced during clinic sessions.

Our occupational therapists are trained to analyze individual factors that affect our patients’ performance in daily activities. Parkinson’s disease manifests uniquely for each individual, but the most prevalent symptoms include small, shuffling steps, decreased gait speed, and tremors.

Pediatric Occupational Therapy offers treatment for a wide variety of diagnoses and special needs for children. Pediatric occupational therapists provide treatment to help children meet developmental milestones, overcome sensory challenges, and improve self-care, play, and self-regulation skills. SRMC provides skilled therapy in a safe, welcoming environment. Our pediatric therapists truly love helping children. Together, we are committed to providing comprehensive, multidisciplinary care in an environment where children can achieve their goals and reach their fullest potential. Each child enrolled in pediatric occupational therapy will have their own individualized goals to meet their needs after a full evaluation.

We offer FREE developmental screening for children ages 0-18 years old. During your child’s 15-minute screening, you will be able to ask our qualified therapists questions regarding your child’s current skills and the possible benefits of therapy. They will help you to determine if your child could benefit from further evaluation and treatment.

Our trained occupational therapists are happy to help children achieve goals related to fine motor skills, sensory processing, activities of daily living, and feeding. Children, including those with special needs, could benefit from occupational if they have the following difficulties:

  • Difficulty using utensils, a toothbrush, a hairbrush, etc.
  • Difficulty using scissors or writing
  • Difficulty feeding, such as gagging, picky eating, or refusal of foods
  • Difficulty learning (cognitive skills)
  • Difficulty playing (social and emotional skills)
  • Difficulty with buttoning, tying shoes, or managing zippers and snaps
  • Difficulty with attention, following directions, and/or transitioning between activities
  • Sensory processing difficulties, such as trouble tolerating certain smells, sounds, environments, or aversions to certain clothing or textures

Our occupational therapy practitioners focus on helping students achieve in all school areas and activities. This type of therapy can help your child in a variety of areas: academics, play and leisure, social participation, self-care skills (Acts of Daily Living), and transition/work skills. Occupational therapy utilizes activity and environmental assessment to modify barriers and minimize barriers to participation. Occupational therapy practitioners provide a continuum of service and support to students and personnel under the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA), the reauthorization of Elementary and Secondary Education Act (ESEA), most recently enacted as the Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA), and Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, which includes the following:

  • Participating on collaborative teams
  • Partnering with districts
  • Providing services for individual students in special education
  • Providing services for struggling learners in general education
  • Providing training and resources for school personnel and families

Speech-Language Pathology

Speech and Language Pathologists (SLPs) assess, diagnose, and help prevent communication and swallowing disorders in patients who may have suffered a stroke, brain injury, hearing loss, development delay, cerebral palsy, emotional problems, or a variety of other medically impairing events.

At SRMC, our licensed speech-language pathologists recognize the importance of effective communication in daily life. We are dedicated to assisting our patients in achieving their maximum communication potential through rehabilitation efforts.

Speech-Language Pathology treatments focus on the development of receptive and expressive language, feeding and swallowing abilities, social skills, and cognitive needs that include the following:

  • Apraxia
  • Articulation disorders
  • Auditory processing and comprehension
  • Oral motor delays with feeding
  • Our speech-language pathologist can also assist families with the use of augmentative and assistive communication (AAC) devices.
  • Receptive and expressive language deficits
  • Social skill and attention difficulties
  • Voice deficits and hearing delays

We Offer The Following Services to Pediatric, Adult, and Geriatric Populations:

Aphasia is a neurological condition that affects language skills, often resulting from a brain injury, especially in the left hemisphere. At SRMC, our certified speech-language pathologists develop an individualized treatment plan to address language deficits that affect the patient’s ability to communicate in all environments. Patients with aphasia and/or acquired language disorders may have difficulty with the following:

  • Understanding words, questions, directions, or stories
  • Producing words and sentences
  • Reading and writing

Ask your doctor to consider a referral to a speech-language pathologist. The speech-language pathologist will test your language skills and will ask you about the problems you have and what you want to work on. Next, they will test how you understand words, questions, directions, and stories; produce words and sentences; read and write; and find other ways to share your ideas when you have trouble.

The speech-language pathologists at SRMC can assist patients who are experiencing difficulty carrying out activities of daily living. The most common causes of cognitive-communication deficits include dementia, brain tumor, stroke, and traumatic brain injury (TBI). Cognitive-communication therapy focuses on promoting independence and increasing quality of life for those living with cognitive-communication deficits.

Possible symptoms of a cognitive-communication impairment include difficulty performing personal lifestyle management activities and reduced self-awareness, memory, judgement, ability to initiate tasks, social communication, and ability to communicate.

Occupational therapists assist the elderly population in overcoming physical challenges and promoting independence in their daily activities. They provide instruction on self-care tasks, such as cooking, grooming, and dressing, and support seniors in adapting to physical and social changes following an injury or illness. Most importantly, occupational therapists help enhance flexibility, self-sufficiency, and overall well-being for elderly individuals.

Speech therapy plays an important role in the management and treatment of dysphagia, a condition that affects a person’s ability to swallow. Dysphagia can occur in people of all ages, from infants to the elderly, and can be caused by a variety of conditions, such as stroke, Parkinson’s disease, and head and neck cancer. SLPs are trained to evaluate and treat dysphagia. The first step in treatment is a thorough evaluation to determine the underlying cause of the swallowing difficulties and to assess the extent of the problem. Based on the evaluation, the SLP will develop a personalized treatment plan that may include exercises to improve swallowing function, education on proper eating and drinking techniques, and recommendations for appropriate food and liquid consistencies. The goal of treatment is to improve swallowing function, reduce the risk of aspiration (when food or liquid enters the lungs), and improve overall quality of life.

A Modified Barium Swallow Study is a widely used video fluoroscopic evaluation of the functional anatomy and physiology of swallowing that permits visualization of food or liquid flow from your mouth to your esophagus. The information gained from the examination is critical for identifying the type and severity of swallowing impairment, determining the safety of oral intake, and formulating oral intake recommendations and treatment planning. The test will help you, your doctor, and the SLPs plan what type of foods and liquids are easiest for you to swallow. The SLPs will also identify positions and ways to help you swallow more easily and safely.

LSVT LOUD is an effective speech treatment for people with Parkinson’s disease (PD) and other neurological conditions. LSVT LOUD trains people with PD to improve their speaking volume to achieve an average level of loudness while speaking at home, at work, or in the community. It is essential for patients with PD to learn how to recalibrate their perceptions to understand how loud or soft they sound to other people. This will help them feel comfortable using a stronger voice at a normal loudness level.

Speech therapy is the assessment and treatment of communication problems and speech disorders. Speech therapy techniques are used to improve communication. These include articulation therapy, language intervention activities, and others depending on the type of speech or language disorder. Speech therapy may be needed for speech disorders that develop in childhood or are acquired in adulthood. Acquired adult speech disorders may be caused by an injury or illness, such as a stroke or brain injury. SRMC Speech Therapy can help with the following disorders:

  • Articulation disorders (speech sounds)
  • Fluency disorders (stuttering, cluttering)
  • Resonance disorders
  • Receptive disorders (understanding language)
  • Expressive disorders (producing language)
  • Cognitive-communication disorders
  • Aphasia
  • Dysarthria

We offer FREE developmental screening for children ages 0-18 years old. During your child’s 15-minute screening, you will be able to ask our qualified therapists questions regarding your child’s current skills and the possible benefits of therapy. They will help you to determine if your child could benefit from further evaluation and treatment.

Our trained occupational therapists are happy to help children achieve goals related to fine motor skills, sensory processing, activities of daily living, and feeding. Children, including those with special needs, could benefit from occupational if they have the following difficulties:

  • Difficulty using utensils, a toothbrush, a hairbrush, etc.
  • Difficulty using scissors or writing
  • Difficulty feeding, such as gagging, picky eating, or refusal of foods
  • Difficulty learning (cognitive skills)
  • Difficulty playing (social and emotional skills)
  • Difficulty with buttoning, tying shoes, or managing zippers and snaps
  • Difficulty with attention, following directions, and/or transitioning between activities
  • Sensory processing difficulties, such as trouble tolerating certain smells, sounds, environments, or aversions to certain clothing or textures

Voice disorders can change the quality, pitch, or loudness of your voice. Your voice may sound strained, husky, or weak. Sometimes, your voice becomes a whisper or disappears altogether. Voice disorders affect your voice box (larynx) and can cause a consistent or inconsistent change in your voice. A speech-language pathologist guides you through voice therapy exercises to eliminate or prevent harmful vocal behaviors, help vocal cords heal after surgery or injury, and promote healthy vocal behaviors. Voice therapy can help children and adults. Your healthcare provider may recommend voice therapy if you have any of the following voice disorders:

  • Laryngitis
  • Muscle tension dysphonia
  • Spasmodic dysphonia/vocal tremor
  • Vocal cord dysfunction (VCD)
  • Vocal cord lesions
  • Vocal cord paralysis

Physical Therapy

Our certified Physical Therapists and Physical Therapist Assistants specialize in treating a range of conditions to help patients regain their optimal level of function. Physical Therapists work in all SRMC settings to enhance patient functionality and overall quality of life. Whether it is a new injury, ailment, chronic issue, or post-surgery injury, our Physical Therapists and their assistants will collaborate with each individual to establish a personalized treatment plan to achieve their goals.

We provide close teamwork with all patients, families, and providers to ensure that your transition is as seamless as possible. Our high-quality clinical care includes extended hours and staff with specialized training to help patients receive the best care. We offer one-on-one treatments with patients and therapists to improve outcomes and assist them in returning to activities, work, or sports.

We Have Skilled, Evidence-Based Treatments:

Pain is a normal part of life and a good thing: if you step on a nail or touch a burning stove, you want to know about it! However, sometimes pain can persist long after the tissues have healed. When persistent pain prevents you from doing the things you need and want to do, it can spiral into progressive loss of function and quality of life. Matthew Janssen, our Therapeutic Pain Specialist, has extensive training in and knowledge of pain neuroscience. Through education, he can help you better understand your pain and work with you to develop a plan to get you back to living your life.

Functional dry needling is a technique performed by skilled physical therapists to treat pain and movement impairments. The physical therapist inserts a “dry” needle (one without medication or injection) into the trigger point areas of the muscle. The needle then causes a local twitch response, which releases tension and provides pain relief to help reduce muscle tension. This technique is used to treat patients with acute, subacute, or chronic conditions and can help speed up the patient’s return to active rehab. Consider dry needling for a fast and effective way to relieve pain.

Geriatric therapy is focused on helping older adults build strength in their bodies, improve balance, and increase their confidence. This specialized therapy will help the elderly maintain their independence for as long as possible, remain physically active, and optimize their physical and psychological well-being. Our team of physical therapists are able to help this population in a variety of ways. We offer recommendations for a more efficient setup at home, a home exercise program to increase strength and balance, fitting for walking devices, and education on how to safely get down on the floor and safely get back up.

Orthopedic Manual Physical Therapy is a specialized area of physical therapy that involves literal hands-on examination and treatment techniques (a physical therapist will use his or her hands to provide treatment). This hands-on treatment is integrated with exercise, patient education, and other physical therapy modalities to address pain, loss of function, and wellness. Our staff specializes in techniques that can be used to improve range of motion and tissue extensibility, mobilize soft tissue and joints, control pain, reduce soft tissue swelling, inflammation, or restriction, and induce relaxation. Manual therapies include joint mobilizations, cupping, and instrument-assisted soft tissue mobilization (IASTM).

Orthopedic treatment is essential following an injury or surgical procedure to effectively manage and address issues related to the musculoskeletal system. Our physical therapists will create a personalized plan suited to help you reach your goals. Our orthopedics team is committed to delivering superior care to our patients by ensuring that the majority of our staff members have obtained their Orthopedic Certified Specialist certification (OCS), a distinction achieved by only 7% of therapists nationwide.

Physical therapists help children achieve developmental milestones related to gross motor development, such as crawling and walking independently. They may also assist families in selecting suitable mobility and positioning devices, such as wheelchairs, walkers, standers, helmets, and foot orthotics. Physical therapy can address a variety of issues, including the following:

  • Balance deficits
  • Coordination difficulties
  • Gait disturbances and toe walking
  • Postural alignment
  • Rolling, sitting, crawling, and walking delays

Pelvic Floor Physical Therapy focuses on the prevention and treatment of pelvic floor dysfunction to improve patient’s well-being and promote an active lifestyle. We have specially trained pelvic floor therapists to help treat a wide variety of conditions. We treat both the male and female pelvic floors and orthopedic conditions related to the pelvic floor. These include but are not limited to the following:

  • Bowel and bladder training
  • Incontinence management
  • Pelvic pain
  • Post pelvic surgery including but not limited to hysterectomy and proctectomy surgeries
  • Pregnancy and postpartum care

Pre-employment screenings are conducted for potential employees to assist businesses in evaluating potential health or medical concerns that could impact job performance. If you would like a specific functional test done, please call and let us know as we can customize our template.

When a player goes down with an injury, it’s all about how we can get them back in the game. With the SRMC Sports Medicine Program, our focus is on providing an accurate diagnosis and making an appropriate referral to assist the athlete in getting the care they need. Our team understands the needs and pace of returning athletes to their peak performance. That is why we offer a team approach that includes the athlete’s medical provider striving to return players back to activities as safely and quickly as possible. Services include the following:

  • Concussion diagnosis, treatment, and return-to-play
  • Free sports injury assessment to determine the extent of care needed
  • In-school follow ups for post-athletic injuries
  • Referrals to providers may be made based on the initial assessment of injury
  • Sporting event coverage and return-to-play decision making

At SRMC Physical Therapy, our dedicated team works diligently to enhance mobility and functionality for individuals recovering from stroke or other neurological conditions, such as ALS (Lou Gehrig’s disease), multiple sclerosis, and muscular dystrophy. Our focus is on improving walking capabilities and reducing limitations caused by the stroke. Ultimately, our goal in stroke rehabilitation is to promote greater independence for our patients.

Vestibular rehabilitation is an exercise-based treatment designed to address inner ear issues that may lead to symptoms such as dizziness and balance disturbances. Our skilled vestibular specialist will develop a customized plan tailored to your specific symptoms, utilizing strategic positioning techniques and exercises to enhance your overall well-being.

Wounds come in many forms: surgical or accidental cuts; abrasions; burns; skin tears; diabetic or neuropathic wounds; wounds from excessive swelling in the limbs such as venous stasis ulcers; and more. We can help you determine why you are having the issue,  factors contributing to your healing, and how to best care for and heal your wound. Our staff has received specialized training in wound care, continually remain up to date with current research, and can provide proven evidence-based wound care treatment. We will work with you and your healthcare team to ensure the best care possible, minimizing risks for problems and maximizing your healing potential!