At SRMC, we provide general surgery services for patients requiring elective or emergency treatment. Together, our general surgeon, thoracic surgeon, and physician assistant are competent in diagnosis, treatment, management, and operative intervention.
- Abdominal Paracentesis
- Appendectomy
- Bone marrow biopsies and aspirations
- Bronchoscopy
- Colon Resection (includes colostomy)
- Colonoscopy
- EGD with or without dilation
- Excisional biopsies (lesions, masses, etc.)
- Fine-needle aspirations (includes breast and thyroid)
- Gastric band removal
- Hernia repairs
- Hiatal hernia (Nissen fundoplication)
- Laparoscopic cholecystectomy with spy green technology (includes gallbladder/gallstone)
- Laparoscopic exploration
- Lumpectomy/biopsy
- Mastectomy/biopsy
- Non-orthopedic trauma
- Placement of peg tubes and jejunostomy tubes
- Port placements
- Video-assisted thoracoscopy
- *Not all services may be listed.