Voice Therapy
Voice disorders can change the quality, pitch, or loudness of your voice. Your voice may sound strained, husky, or weak. Sometimes, your voice becomes a whisper or disappears altogether. Voice […]
Speech Therapy
Speech therapy is the assessment and treatment of communication problems and speech disorders. Speech therapy techniques are used to improve communication. These include articulation therapy, language intervention activities, and others […]
Parkinson’s Disease/LSVT LOUD
LSVT LOUD is an effective speech treatment for people with Parkinson’s disease (PD) and other neurological conditions. LSVT LOUD trains people with PD to improve their speaking volume to achieve […]
Modified Barium Swallow Study (MBSS)
A Modified Barium Swallow Study is a widely used video fluoroscopic evaluation of the functional anatomy and physiology of swallowing that permits visualization of food or liquid flow from your […]
Dysphagia Therapy
Speech therapy plays an important role in the management and treatment of dysphagia, a condition that affects a person’s ability to swallow. Dysphagia can occur in people of all ages, […]
Cognitive-Communication Therapy
The speech-language pathologists at SRMC can assist patients who are experiencing difficulty carrying out activities of daily living. The most common causes of cognitive-communication deficits include dementia, brain tumor, stroke, […]
Augmentative and Alternative Communication (AAC) Evaluation and Therapy
At SRMC, our goal is to provide all individuals with a mode of communication that allows them to express their wants, needs, and ideas and to further develop their social […]
Aphasia Therapy
Aphasia is a neurological condition that affects language skills, often resulting from a brain injury, especially in the left hemisphere. At SRMC, our certified speech-language pathologists develop an individualized treatment […]