The Truth About Medicare Advantage

For several years, Sidney Regional Medical Center has opted not to contract to participate as in-network providers for any active Medicare Advantage (MA) plans. SRMC is committed to providing care for all patients, regardless of their insurance choice. It is important to be aware that certain out-of-network insurance plans may result in higher out-of-pocket expenses for patients. This is an important consideration during the open enrollment period from October 15th to December 7th, when individuals eligible for Medicare are selecting their insurance coverage for the upcoming year.

On October 1st, the Nebraska Hospital Association (NHA) released their latest Medicare Advantage (MA) report by way of a ZOOM press conference. This report was based on the member survey they conducted in September.

This is the second year NHA has conducted this survey, and they continue to hear from member hospitals about the increasing challenges MA plans create for Nebraska’s facilities, especially Critical Access Hospitals, like ours. Nebraska hospitals are spending more time and money defending medical decisions, which leads to delays in patient care. Additional staff is also needed to work with these plans, leading to negative financial impacts.

The NHA stepped up with a PR and advertising blitz this October to shed light on the issues that hospitals are facing, as well as educate the public on the key differences between traditional Medicare and Medicare Advantage. This coincides with the enrollment period, which commences on October 15th.

In the ZOOM video linked below, NHA and Great Plains Health discussed the issues with Medicare Advantage plans and highlighted MAs tendency to deny care, delay necessary treatments, and require prior authorizations for care. They also shared personal stories and experiences about the challenges faced by patients and healthcare providers due to these plans. The team agreed on the need for policy changes, better information dissemination, and increased transparency within Medicare Advantage programs to help seniors make informed decisions. Click on the link below to learn more!

ZOOM Recording from the NHA Press Conference:

ZOOM Passcode: ^MSha0X5

We encourage you to explore the following resources to enhance your understanding of Medicare Advantage.

Download resources:

This is a critical issue for the hospitals in our state, and we are determined to do everything we can to give our patients and their families the resources and education they need to make an informed choice. At SRMC, we are committed to providing extraordinary care . . . Always!

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